808 people

Portraits et musique électronique

Depuis 2010.

Ils mettent en évidence les DJs, artistes et musiciens qui exercent dans le domaine des musiques électroniques, de danse ou expérimentales.
Réalisés en situation réelle, lors des fêtes et soirées, ils gardent avec précision ces moments éphémères, oubliés le lendemain.
Laissant de côté la fête et la notoriété, c’est observer que les artistes sont authentiques et investis dans ce qu’ils font.
C’est montrer les gestes et attitudes, qui expriment un talent ou une implication, avec la conviction que c’est ce qui rend ces individus singuliers.
C’est penser que ces éléments propres à l’humain font l’âme d’une musique, bien qu’on la décrive synthétique, et que c’est ce qui en fait une culture, à l’origine contre les conventions établies.


Since 2010.
This is a personal project about people involved in electronic music.
They are not portrayed as Gods, but like normal people working on their equipment. This shows their technical ability in order to use music as a language. Their dedication to it is what makes them special.
They come as they are, with their own personalities and background, though they are all doing the same thing. They have music in common, as a connection between them, even if they may not relate to each other.
The point of view favors to show them more peaceful than the events may be thrilling and chaotic, so they would appear authentic to their craft and humble despite their achievement.

Underground is the music I play, not the way I want to look like.

—Svreca, DJ, producer and owner of Semantica Records (in 2013)
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Techno is not so much precise, and is supposed to be darker than what we would see in color-balanced pictures […] Probably people won’t get interested, especially the DJs. But these pictures may be important in 10 or 15 years… Therefore you should keep on taking pictures, making portraits, as many as you can.

—Jeff Mills, DJ, producer and owner of Axis Records (in 2011)